Tuesday 13 June 2017

Discovery of Mysterious Space (Part 6th of 13)

Movement Of Satellites

So orbiting around side of a planet spinning on its satellite orbital path direction is always dependent on the rotation direction of the planet if a large body clock direction I axis began his affair was small nodules also Suppose your planet around to work towards the needle I only will revolve gravity arsn Lustick two bodies that I have a second gravitational field and on its axis Will not go touching are mostly so between both the gravity wave together I turn around and will tie a Lustick and Lustick will stretch beginning I slowly it will come closer to each other and finally I will speed bump I among them, but if the in them a body is moving I the direction of the needle on its axis and the second is coming closer, then the direction of the needle Lustick even closer alliance body clock I will stretch which a Ib comes body also direct the objects around it struck out his around circling Will look.
All planets in our solar system revolve around the clock in the opposite direction of the needle, because the Sun is moving on its axis in this direction. All the stars of our galaxy circled around the direction of the needle in the center of the galaxy, in the center of the galaxy, that is, the body present in the center of the galaxy is also moving around its axis towards the point of need of the clock if this body All the stars will be gathered in the center of the galaxy and will collide with each other if they stop walking. The faster the body moves on its axis, the less likely it is to hit other objects. Due to the behavior of the gravitational luster, due to the movement of the Sun, all the planets make the shape of the planets. The comet of Hali is also present in our solar system and circled the Sun. The orbiting path is very bent on the edge of the solar system. Is it sun Nearly it goes round to the ends of the solar system, and the gravity of the Sun leads to the return of the power of attraction, after reaching near the Sun, due to the rotation of the Sun, it does not collide with it directly. Due to its very close proximity to the Sun, its speed increases very much, then the Sun exposes it with a very fast speed and throws off the path of all the planets. It goes through the bottom of the Solar System, due to which it does not collide with a planet. Thus, it completes its orbital journey in 76 years. At the same time, the comet of Hali is circling the Sun in the solar system. When you pass through near the Sun, the path of the orbiting of this will come in the direction of the Sun, because it passes through the path of all the planets of the orbits of the planets, so in the future The possibility of collision with the Solar System's planets will increase.

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